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    Grupo RIC implements Privacy Tools solutions in search of compliance with the LGPD

    Control, tools and awareness on the rise with the Data Protection Act

    Founded in the 1980s by businessman Mário Petrelli, Grupo RIC is a renowned Brazilian media conglomerate. It currently has more than 500 employees and its headquarters are located in the city of Curitiba, Paraná. Currently, Grupo RIC has 7 radio stations and 4 TV stations in its portfolio.

    This diversified range of communication channels includes formats for television, radio and magazines, both in their printed and digital versions. Through these means of communication, Grupo RIC plays a significant role in disseminating information, entertainment and relevant content to a wide audience, consolidating its prominent position in the media sector in Brazil.

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    Ensuring data protection control and communication with holders

    In the world of communication and technology, you need to assess the vulnerability of information to ensure data security and protection. This reliability between the company and customers requires attention and care to ensure security and avoid violation of privacy. Gaining control and communication with data subjects were the main reasons for Grupo RIC - one of the largest Communication Groups in Paraná - to join Privacy Tools, complying with the General Data Protection Law - LGPD, which ensures data protection for companies, employees and customers.

    According to Ricardo Araújo, Business Analyst at Privacy Tools, "One of the main challenges for the RIC Group was communication with data subjects due to the number of enterprises they manage in Paraná, including Rádio Jovem Pan, TV Record in Paraná”.

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    According to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the RIC Group, Douglas Ivanski da Silva, the beginning of the process was intended for initial knowledge of the Law. “We started with the legal adequacy - during 6 months - training the committee and capturing the data and processes. After the survey, we began to check which platform best meets our demand and then we chose Privacy Tools to help us control this data ”, he clarifies.

    The Privacy Tools business analyst comments that currently, thirteen companies that are part of the Group are using the Privacy Tools tool “We established a negotiation with the Group and signed a long partnership, which provides greater peace of mind to the customer, knowing that we are together on this journey. In addition, we have assigned a dedicated implementation team to provide comprehensive support and speed up the product installation process.”

    The importance of data protection in communication

    The DPO reveals that, at the moment, the maturity of customers is still in its infancy in terms of data protection. “The culture of Brazilians is to leave their information public on social media, they are still not aware of the power of data and what is done with this data after the consent they give”, explains Douglas.

    The RIC Group has the complete Privacy Tools platform, with all modules included, and Douglas guarantees that the greatest advantage perceived so far is the gain in data control. “This walk is still long, but we are in this treatment, we are on the right path. This gain in awareness, knowing where the unstructured data is - through the platform, the Data Discovery - is a great gain”, says the DPO. “It is a way to bring this more centralized management to the technology sector and have better control of this data”, he adds.

    Another factor highlighted by Douglas is that the biggest challenge within the area of communication is awareness of the importance of data protection. “The pillar of the human being is the main challenge”. For this reason, we at the RIC Group are adapting and also integrating the new employee, so that there is no lack of information and so that this data protection culture comes from the beginning, from the first day that the person is here with us. ”, notes. “This mentality we have to pass on to them: taking care of both their data and the data of the people around them, who are part of society and the community. Making them take this zeal for themselves”, praises.

    “It is a job that is here to stay”

    In Douglas' view, these years were a lot of learning and daily work to adapt to the LGPD. “It's no use buying the platform and thinking it's ready. It's a daily job, but after everything is mapped out, the monitoring, the adequacy of new processes will become something solid. Today people are really not aware of everything that revolves around this Law, and that it is here to stay. It was quite hard work at the beginning, to then monitor the processes and continuously train employees so that the control continues to be effective”, he evaluates.

    According to the RIC Group DPO, the Privacy Tools platform primarily helps with controlling unstructured data. “I always emphasize in integration and in everyday life that unstructured data is a complication in the LGPD, but with Data Discovery, the process carried out before the LGPD does not need to be changed, as we know where the data is and which collaborator is the responsible ”, he explains.

    With regard to structured data, according to Douglas, Privacy Tools is the initial facilitator to later favor integration with market platforms. “We do a direct search on the platform through data discovery to find this unstructured data. “It is necessary to raise employee awareness, provide tools to facilitate the centralization of this data, an email, a virtual platform.

    “It brought awareness and tools that help us control data”

    According to the DPO, Privacy Tools has played a key role in controlling and raising awareness of the RIC Group. “She came to bring awareness, information and tools that help us in this day-to-day control, and also in maintenance. I see Privacy Tools being proactive in this regard, asking questions, making calls to facilitate and clarify doubts. The support and CS teams are always working hard to motivate and improve our company, adapting the platform according to our needs”, concludes Douglas Ivanski da Silva.

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    About Privacy Tools

    Privacy Tools is a leading privacy platform in the Brazilian market and a pioneer in offering LGPD solutions in Brazil.

    Currently, it has more than 700 companies as clients, including Rede D’or, Banco RCI, Pague Menos, Farmácias São João, Grupo Bom Jesus, Grupo Fleury, Eletrobrás, Grupo RBS, among others.

    It is with the objective of helping companies in this adaptation process that Privacy Tools brings privacy management solutions with modules designed for use in different market segments and to comply with the obligations of different legislations, such as LGPD and GDPR .

    Do like the RIC Group, and guarantee the security of your company's data with Privacy Tools solutions.

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